Black Hole Mystery Has Finally Been Solved!

The 40-Year-Old Black Hole Mystery Has Finally Been Solved! A ccretion disks are helpful for cosmic detectives to find and understand black holes and responsible for their evolution and function as well. The exact details on how black holes spin and what they potentially radiate can be obtained from these bright disks. But there was no model that could work out how precisely the same could happen. "It is a bit like twisting a spoon in honey: Imagine that the honey is space, and anything embedded in the honey will be 'dragged' around by t he twisting spoon, " Adam Ingram, lead author of a new study describing the findings, said in a statement. "In reality, this means that anything orbiting a spinning object will have its motion affected," added Ingram, of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Though the observed QPO periods were close to those predicted by this idea, there had not been enough evidence to nail down the connection — until no...